Multidisciplinary Graphic Artist and Course Leader for BA Hons Visual Communication (Online) undergraduate course at Falmouth University. I am passionate about visual communication and how we learn. My work has been exhibited internationally, and most recent research is published in Illustration Research Methods, Bloomsbury 2021.

With an interest in how designers and illustrators can use their skills to help others, my most recent projects have involved working with students and professionals from different disciplines to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skill sharing between designers, illustrators and students from other specialist subjects. 

As a an educator I build students confidence, networks, and industry awareness through activities and tasks that are built into the curriculum. Over the past decade I have helped to connect and create opportunities for students at Anorak Magazine, Studio Makgill, XL Recordings, The Private Press, and G F SMITH plus many others.

For the past four years I have led an event named Future Selves which aims to develop employability skills, community, and perspective for students. An archive of the event including students work can be found on the Future Selves Instagram linked below.
Future Selves Instagram

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